We are a small but mighty collection of thinkers, dreamers, and creatives.

Together we can change the world.

Sidd’s story began with an idea. He wanted to turn a hobby into something more. To create a movement to recognize dreamers and empower them to dream bigger.

Sidd Ahmed is the Founder and CEO of VDart Group, one of the leading digital talent management, solution, and product companies found in the industry globally. VDart was born months after the recession during a time when companies were closing, and its success was the result of sheer effort and motivation from its captain, Sidd. He claims that it’s because the mindset has always been to “create opportunities for the success of others,” the company is standing where it is today.

Sidd’s vision has always been to build a leading enterprise that would “touch the lives of people, to create success, wealth and quality of life.” He was able to orchestrate this goal successfully by navigating a workforce of more than 4000+ people located in 10 different countries, and at the same time increasing those figures year after year. His vision is also the force that drives VDart’s CSR program which helped change the lives of children in need, the disabled, and the hundreds of people who were victims of natural disasters.

 It is a remarkable feat considering that prior to VDart’s success, Sidd had never worked in any large organization nor had he come from a corporate background. However, despite lacking those experiences, Sidd has maintained exponential growth in the IT talent management industry and is now embarking on the digital frontier of technology, Industry 5.0.

Sidd has participated in several different leadership mentoring programs from outstanding corporations such as Accenture and Delta Airlines because he believes that being a leader should not be viewed as a license to increase the volume of rhetoric, but instead, a leader is a prime opportunity to realize the value of everything that can be gleaned from the minds of others.

Sidd is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Georgia Education Foundation which supports GMSDC Academy an active alumni advocate of the Georgia Mentor Protégé Connection, Vice-Chair to the Staffing Industry Group in MBEIC (Minority Business Enterprise Input Committee), Alumni Advocate at the Georgia Mentor Protégé Alumni Association. Sidd contributes to the foundation’s goal of scaling new heights of excellence and achievement that ultimately will mean economic growth and job creation.

Significant Moments

Entrepreneur of the Year - EY

Winning Supplier of the Year - NMSDC

NHCCE 2022 Keynote Speech

Meeting Shaquille O'Neal

White House Invitation

Meeting Simon Sinek